Shepcon QLD 2nd Year Anniversary
The joy of a business formed over a Christmas break is that every year we have a well-earned break and celebrate another successful year in business. Our success continues to come from the clients that support us, the exceptional people that make up our team and a network of loyal and supportive trade suppliers and subcontractors. Shepcon QLD continues to offer our clients experience, innovation and smart solutions setting a new benchmark in the concrete construction industry.
With continued support from a select group of building and civil clients, Shepcon has worked 135,000 hours on 31 separate projects placing and finishing 520,000m2 of concrete over the year. We have managed a good mixture of work including: a number of major defense projects, some high end industrial warehouse and manufacturing facilities, two full school build projects and high rise residential projects. Land mark project have included 85,000m2 project for Watpac at RAAF base Amberley; a Fmin75 super flat floor for very narrow aisle (VNA) forklifts and the construction of a complex machine base footing completed in record time. It’s been an exciting year where Shepcon has doubled its volume of hours worked and m2 completed with continued improvements to quality and safety, best of all we still have room for more growth!

Digital Job Sites
Shepcon continues to roll out digital devices, applications and solutions to our job sites. We are excited with the developing solutions available with BIM on the job site and we see a world where measuring tapes, string lines and paper drawings will be replaced with total stations and smart devices across all our sites.

Training and development in our industry
Last year Shepcon identified the average age of our workforce at 46 years old. This provided an experienced workforce to our clients, but long term was unsustainable for future growth in our industry. Shepcon acknowledge a responsibility to develop the next generation of workers. Shepcon Directors have set a strong training policy and implemented a program that continues to offer opportunities to younger industry entrants. Shepcon has 4 registered trainees and has reduced its average age of employmenttobelow40yearsold. There is still more work for us to do and we thank our workforce for taking these younger industry entrants under their wings and developing their knowledge and skills in our industry.
Shepcon directors acknowledge a huge responsibility to offer good leadership and coaching to our team of exceptional people. This year Shepcon started investing time and money in leadership coaching and business mentoring for both directors Adrian and Andrew. Coaching is assisting directors view Shepcon from “outside in” guiding decision making and setting good strategy for our continued growth and team development. This year a senior construction manager joined our team and it remains a privilege for Shepcon QLD to offer our experienced team of exceptional people to our clients.

We continue to be supported by a network of strong trade subcontractors and suppliers. We remain focused on growing these relationships and developing new ones based on trust, good payment terms, safety and quality. The industry has accepted we are a strong company with “runs on the board” and a good future ahead.
Mental health is a massive problem in our industry. Shepcon QLD has decided to donate money to Black Dog Institute charity in lieu of Christmas gifts. Founded in 2002, the Black Dog Institute is internationally recognised as a pioneer in the identification, prevention and treatment of mental illness, and the promotion of wellbeing.

Shepcon QLD would like to thank you for supporting us in our Second Year of Business.
We would also like to extend a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your Families. We look forward to working with you in 2017.