Shepcon QLD 1st Year Anniversary
Thank you for supporting Shepcon QLD in its first year. Shepcon is a young company with an old history of experience. We offer our clients the energy, drive and aspirations of youth with hard earned experience gained from years in the trade. This newsletter outlines a few of our achievements over the past 12 months.
With support from a select group of building clients, Shepcon has worked 69,500 hours on 25 separate projects and placed and finished 213,000m2 of concrete. This achievement represents 60% of our capacity – we have more to offer!

Technology to our sites
Shepcon is young and we are embracing technology available. All Shepcon supervisors are issued and trained in using smart phones and tablets armed with business applications for timesheets, work scheduling, employee team management; tool management and electronic forms for QA, safety and variation records.
Investment in plant and equipment
Shepcon emerged on the market with a full arsenal of concreting equipment including three Somero Laser Screeds, ride on trowels, truss screeds and more. Through the year we have added the latest in hydraulic controlled double header ride on trowels, light towers, Hilti hand tools and recently a Topcon robotic total station for total site set out capability. We will continue to review our plant and equipment and look for better solutions for our people and clients.

We’ve blown the training budget and we’re happy about it! We have taken on a number of young concrete trainees. Invested heavily in 3D controlled laser screed training; Supervisor training in IT and smart device applications, workplace safety and rehabilitation and we are proud to support a key Shepcon employee to take on part time studies towards a Civil Engineering degree.
Subcontractors and Suppliers
We have focused on forging strong relationships based on trust, good payment terms, safety and quality work with key material suppliers and trade subcontractors. The industry is fast accepting that we are a strong company with a good future and are wanting to be part of our team.

Our combined team is the best team of people from administration through to site workers that Shepcon Directors Andrew and Adrian have ever seen. It is a privilege for Shepcon QLD to offer this team of experienced people to our clients.
Shepcon QLD has decided to donate money to charities in lieu of Christmas gifts. Two charities we have supported are:
Australian Farmer Drought Appeal – Aussie Helpers – We acknowledge those doing it tough in rural Australia and trust our donation will go some way to assisting families on the land have a better Christmas.
Cancer Council Queensland – Cancer has affected most of us in some way. We want our donation to help families fighting cancer find some comfort over Christmas.

Shepcon QLD would like to thank you for supporting us in our First Year of Business.
We would also like to extend a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all and you’re Families.
We look forward to working with you in 2016.